Annelie Karlsson
Director and founding member, FBN Sweden
Annelie Karlsson is the executive director and a founding member of Family Business Network Sweden. She has been a member of the Family Business Network International since 1993, serving in various positions. Annelie has a broad international experience as a facilitator or advisor to international, multi- generational and large, complex owner families. Annelie earned her doctorate at Stockholm School of Economics in 2000 and she has been published several times since. She has held a position at business schools such as IMD (Switzerland) and Kellogg School of Management (USA). Her broad experience within owner and corporate strategy, as well as corporate and family governance, makes her a diligently hired board member.
Is freedom only for the many invisible but not for the few visible?
Case Study
In large families, how do we balance the few and the many? How do we resolve the frustration and fatigue that is sometimes felt by those who carry the responsibility and duty of governance? And how do we open up for new representatives to carry the torch - or “the burden”?