Tomas Perez Arteta
G4 NxG Member of Family Council, Aglomerados Cotopaxi
Tomas is part of the family council of Aglomerados Cotopaxi. Apart from the family business he is also Project Manager at Parkworks, a custom designed parking solutions.
Before that, in 2019, he joined the Family Business Aglomerados Cotopaxi as Intern to observe and contribute to the design of a new production line. Worked on the mapping, planning and placement of a new section of the factory in a collaboration with German company Simplekamp.
Trained engineers, he was during four-years president of Engineers Without Borders Tulane in New Orleans fundraising over $50,000 and designing a 21km pipeline in Ecuador. He also designed 3 suspension bridges that span more than 30m.
Passionate of music he obtained the Musical Robots Senior Project Expert.
Planting for the future – sustainability as a vehicle for transparency
Case Study
Aglomerados Cotopaxi is an enterprise dedicated to planting sustainable, commercial forests, which are harvested and transformed into fiberboard, particle board and moldings for both the Ecuadorian and international markets. Since its founding in 1978, the business has been focused on sustainability, as the wood is sourced from their own sustainably managed plantations. The company is part of a group of forestry, industrial and commercial businesses.